Dr. Louise Peters, Psy. D.

Clear Your Mind

Change Your World

Psychological services offered by Dr. Louise Peters, Psy.D.

Psychological Services

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) by Dr. Louise Peters, Psy.D.

Rapid Resolution Therapy® (RRT)

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) – RRT is a revolutionary neuroscience-based approach that clears emotional distress at the subconscious level. Fast and lasting results within 1 – 3 sessions. More information at rapidresolutiontherapy.com

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Eye Movement Desentization and Reprocessing (EMDR) by Dr. Louise Peters, Psy.D.

Eye Movement Desentization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) – Evidence-based treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and adverse experiences.  Clients report significant relief, balanced perspective, and empowerment. More information at emdr.com.

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Short-Term Talk Therapy by Dr. Louise Peters, Psy.D.

Short-Term Talk Therapy

Short-term talk therapy – Psychotherapy to create a more satisfying and meaningful life. Proactive approach to gain solutions for your most pressing emotional and relational problems.

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Meditation for Wellness by Dr. Louise Peters, Psy.D.

Meditation for Wellness

Meditation for Wellness – Meditation instruction and personalized meditation for calm, healing, and well-being.

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Short-Term Talk Therapy by Dr. Louise Peters, Psy.D.

Technolini Yoga Therapy

Technolini Yoga therapy: Kundalini Yoga, Sound Healing, and Rapid Resolution Therapy.

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Meet Your Facilitators

Bryanna Ulrick, BA, MIB


Bry Ulrick is a musician and yoga healer.  She creates music and playlists that entrain the heart and mind to become coherent and synchronized. In the uplifted state induced by her sound healing, doors to the subconscious are open for reprogramming and alignment with your highest purpose. Her carefully curated techno and enlightening music, paced to the human heartbeat, elevates the group to a field of higher consciousness.  She couples focused awareness with Kundalini breathwork and spinal movements to open the gateway to spiritual awakening and ascension.


Website: www.technolini.com

Louise Peters, Psy.D.


Dr. Peters practices neuro psychotherapy, incorporating brain-based interventions, mind-body medicine, energy psychology, and individually tailored spiritual interventions to create deep and lasting transformation. She is certified in trauma-informed yoga, aerial yoga, breathwork, hypnosis, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Rapid Resolution Therapy.


Website: www.drlouisepeters.com

Join Bry Ulrick and Dr. Louise Peters for a powerfully transformative experience. We combine sound healing, movement, breathwork, and energy psychology practices for stress release and revitalization. This is an opportunity to clear energetic blocks, restore your nervous system, and renew your spirit. Participants experience immediate emotional and physical relief, as well as lasting positive therapeutic effects. Change emerges from within to optimize your mind and your life.


We begin by identifying and releasing a specific outdated emotion or limiting belief.  You will be guided through a Release / Absorb process to clear out energetic blocks associated with negative subconscious programs. We will then set intentions for renewal. We remove the weeds and plant seeds in the fertile ground of alpha and theta brainwave states. You will be guided so your own intentions are easily received and responded to all levels of mind. This will incorporate a guided process to positively influence your automatic emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Your mind will be tuned, reset, and updated for your highest purpose and your created future.


For any body at any level with any physical limitation.


Booking Group and Individual Sessions


Medicare Insurance Accepted 

Meditation for Wellness by Dr. Louise Peters, Psy.D.

Rapid Resolution® Coaching

Rapid Resolution® (RR) coaching is designed for individuals challenged by one of life’s many problems.

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Rapid Resolution® (RR) coaching is designed for individuals challenged by one of life’s many problems including:


  • Guilt / shame
  • Performance or academic issues
  • Lifestyle and wellness challenges
  • Stress
  • Anger / resentment
  • Fears and phobias
  • Relationship issues, heartbreak
  • Grief
  • Anxiety, trauma, abuse
  • Low self-esteem

Dr. Louise Peters is a psychologist whose perspective has shifted from problem-focused therapy to a strength-based and solution-focused coaching approach. She uses RR to quickly and painlessly resolve emotional distress and get you “unstuck.” RR is an integrative and holistic approach designed to clear distressing emotional responses to life events. Unlike other approaches to trauma treatment, which require the client to re-experience negative feelings, RR gently resolves the effects of turmoil at the root level.

"Thank you, Dr. Louise Peters, for giving me my life back! Rapid Resolution is a non-invasive way that successfully resolved my personal trauma and gave me an inner peace! Words cannot begin to express the magnitude of gratitude that I have in my heart!"


- Kim N

"My Rapid Resolution sessions with Dr. Louise Peters were groundbreaking. She was able to help me rewrite my responses to triggers after surviving domestic and sexual abuse. To this day, I am able to sleep without experiencing nightmares and I have become less jumpy and scatterbrained. Dr. Peters helped me access the parts of me I believed were lost to the violence and remember who I am at the core of my being. She awakened my courage and ultimately lead me to my purpose of supporting sister survivors of similar experiences. I am forever grateful for the sessions I received with her!"


- Hailey H


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Dr. Louise Peters, Psy. D.



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